最近一直忙着在做一些微信小程序方面的工作,需要的后台数据都是从Drupal网站获取,不过开始都是纯读取一些数据,并不用到Web Services的一些增删改查等复杂操作,只需要用Views和Views Datasource来实现Views输出Json文件供小程序调用就可以。
不过随着开发需求的深化,必须用到微信账号关联Drupal网站、微信用户提交发布内容、点赞操作、购物车、购买付款等,就需要用到一些Web Services的标准正规操作,而Drupal官方网站上提供的Services Handbook确实写得太乱了,不好找到需要的基本调用办法,我这几天正在仔细看,也顺便整理了一些,记录如下。
- <your_domain>为网站域名
- <your_endpoint_path>为创建的的endpoint名称
- <your_resource_path>为资源名称(如果设置了alias则为设置的别名)
- comment
- CRUD operations:
- create: Create a comment
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/comment.json
Content-Type: application/json
"subject":"Test Subject 测试标题",
"comment_body": { "und": [ { "value": "Test Comment 测试留言内容" } ] }
} - retrieve: Retrieve a comment
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/comment.json/$cid - update: Update a comment
PUT http://my.server.com/drupalgap/comment/$cid.jsonContent-Type: application/json
X-CSRF-Token: aWgdFzJs2zFOkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBody
"comment_body": { "und": [ { "value": "测试修改留言内容" } ] }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<result>1129</result> - delete: Delete a comment
DELETE http://my.server.com/drupalgap/comment/$cid header: Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, result: 1 - index: Get all nodes' comments
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/comment.json
- create: Create a comment
- Actions:
- countAll: Return number of comments on a given node.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/comment/countAll.json
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
result: ["3"] - countNew: Returns number of new comments on a given node since a given timestamp.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/comment/countNew.json
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
result: ["0"]?
- countAll: Return number of comments on a given node.
- CRUD operations:
- contact
- CRUD operations:
- index: Get the contact categories.
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/contact.json
"cid": "1",
"category": "站点反馈",
"recipients": "qijingsong@gmail.com",
"reply": "",
"weight": "0",
"selected": "1"
"cid": "2",
"category": "问题咨询",
"recipients": "qijingsong@gmail.com",
"reply": "",
"weight": "5",
"selected": "0"
- index: Get the contact categories.
- Actions:
- site: Submits the site-wide contact form.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/contact/site
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"name": "James Qi",
"mail": "qijingsong@gmail.com",
"subject": "contact from web services",
"cid": "1",
"message": "hello\n你好\n测试 2017-1-25",
"copy": "1"
<result>1</result> - personal: Submits a personal contact form.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/contact/personal
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"name": "James Qi",
"mail": "qijingsong@gmail.com",
"to": "James Qi",
"subject": "节前测试web services",
"message": "hello\n你好\n测试 2017-1-25",
"copy": "1"
- site: Submits the site-wide contact form.
- CRUD operations:
- drupalgap_content
- Actions:
- content_types_list: Gets a list of Drupal content types.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/drupalgap_content/content_types_list
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<result is_array="true"><item>
...... - content_types_user_permissions: Returns a list of permissions the current user has for all content types.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/drupalgap_content/content_types_user_permissions
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- content_types_list: Gets a list of Drupal content types.
- Actions:
- drupalgap_system
- Actions:
- site_settings: Gets a list of various drupal settings and variables.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/drupalgap_system/site_settings
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
</result> - connect: The DrupalGap system connect with bundled result data.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/drupalgap_system/connectheaders Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<name>James Qi</name>
<signature><p>James Qi / 祁劲松</p>
- site_settings: Gets a list of various drupal settings and variables.
- Actions:
- drupalgap_taxonomy
- Actions:
- get_vocabularies: Returns a list of vocabularies.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/drupalgap_taxonomy/get_vocabulariesheaders Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<result is_array="true">
</result> - get_terms: Returns a list of terms for a vocabulary.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/drupalgap_taxonomy/get_termsheaders Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
body {"vid": 1}
result:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<result is_array="true">
<parents is_array="true">
<parents is_array="true">
- get_vocabularies: Returns a list of vocabularies.
- Actions:
- drupalgap_user
- Actions:
- access: A service that performs a user_access function call for the current user.
- login: The DrupalGap user login bundle resource.
- logout: The DrupalGap user logout bundle resource.
- register: The DrupalGap user register bundle resource.
- roles_and_permissions: Retrieves a user's roles and permissions.
- permissions: Retrieves the current user's permissions.
- Actions:
- file
- CRUD operations:
- create: Create a file with base64 encoded data
- retrieve: Retrieve a file
- delete: Delete a file
- index: List all files
- Actions:
- create_raw: Create a file with raw data.
- CRUD operations:
- flag
- Actions:
- is_flagged: Check if a entity was flagged by a user.
- flag: Flags (or unflags) a entity.
- countall: Count the flags number on a specific node.
- Actions:
- node
- CRUD operations:
- create: Create a node
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/node
header: Content-Type: application/json
"title":"微信小程序Test Subject 测试标题",
"field_tags": { "und": "742"},//如果是自动完成用name,如果是选择列表用tid,
"body": { "und": [ { "value": "Test Comment 测试留言内容" } ] },
"type": "number"
"nid": "583xxx",
"uri": "https://www.xxx.cn/drupalgap/node/583xxx"
} - retrieve: Retrieve a node
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/node/$nid.json - update: Update a node
PUT http://my.server.com/drupalgap/node/$nid + {"title":"你好!"} - delete: Delete a node
DELETE http://my.server.com/drupalgap/node/$nid - index: List all nodes
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/node.json
- create: Create a node
- Relationships:
- files: This method returns files associated with a node.
- comments: This method returns the number of new comments on a given node.
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/node/$nid/comments.json
- Targeted actions:
- attach_file: Upload and attach file(s) to a node. POST multipart/form-data to node/123/attach_file
- CRUD operations:
- search_node
- CRUD operations:
- retrieve: No description is available
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/search_node/retrieve.json?keys=test
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/search_node/retrieve.json?keys=test&simple=1
- retrieve: No description is available
- CRUD operations:
- search_user
- CRUD operations:
- retrieve: No description is available
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/search_user/retrieve.json?keys=name
- retrieve: No description is available
- CRUD operations:
- system
- Actions:
- connect: Returns the details of currently logged in user.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/system/connect
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
body: null
<user_permissions is_array="true"></user_permissions>
<content_types_list is_array="true"></content_types_list>
<taxonomy_vocabularies is_array="true"></taxonomy_vocabularies>
<flag is_array="true"></flag>
</result> - get_variable: Returns the value of a system variable using variable_get().
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/system/get_variable
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<result>祁劲松的博客</result> - set_variable: Sets the value of a system variable using variable_set().
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/system/set_variable
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"name": "site_name",
"value": "祁劲松的博客Test"
}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<result/> - del_variable: Deletes a system variable using variable_del().
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/system/del_variable
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- connect: Returns the details of currently logged in user.
- Actions:
- taxonomy_term
- CRUD operations:
- create: Create a term
- retrieve: Retrieve a term
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/taxonomy_term/$tid<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
</result> - update: Update a term
- delete: Delete the term
- index: List all terms
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/taxonomy_termheaders Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<result is_array="true">
- Actions:
- selectNodes: Returns all nodes with provided taxonomy id.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/taxonomy_term/selectNodes
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<result is_array="true"><item>
<revision_uid>1</revision_uid><taxonomy_vocabulary_1><und is_array="true"><item>
- selectNodes: Returns all nodes with provided taxonomy id.
- CRUD operations:
- taxonomy_vocabulary
- CRUD operations:
- create: Create a taxonomy vocabulary
- retrieve: Retrieve a taxonomy vocabulary
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/taxonomy_vocabulary/$vid
</result> - update: Update a taxonomy vocabulary
- delete: Delete a taxonomy vocabulary
- index: List all taxonomy vocabularies
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/taxonomy_vocabulary
<result is_array="true"><item>
- Actions:
- retrieveByMachineName: Returns a vocabulary based on machine name.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/taxonomy_vocabulary/retrieveByMachineName
</result> - getTree: Returns a full list of taxonomy terms.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/taxonomy_vocabulary/getTree
<result is_array="true"><item>
<depth>0</depth><parents is_array="true">
<depth>0</depth><parents is_array="true">
- retrieveByMachineName: Returns a vocabulary based on machine name.
- CRUD operations:
- user
- CRUD operations:
- create: Create a user
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/user
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"name":"rest client",
</result> - retrieve: Retrieve a user
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/user/$uid.json
<name>James Qi</name>
<signature><p>James Qi / 祁劲松</p> </signature>
- update: Update a user
PUT http://my.server.com/drupalgap/user/$uid
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"name":"rest client 2",
<name>rest client 2</name>
<uid>1193</uid><roles is_array="true">
<item>authenticated user</item>
</result> -
delete: Delete a user
DELETE http://my.server.com/drupalgap/user/$uid
headers Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<result>1</result> - index: List all users
GET http://my.server.com/drupalgap/user
<result is_array="true"><item>
- create: Create a user
- Actions:
- login: Login a user for a new session
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/user/login
{"username":"James Qi","password":"xxx123"}
返回sessid、session_name、token、user - logout: Logout a user session
- token: Returns the CSRF token.
POST http://my.server.com/drupalgap/user/token
{"username":"James Qi","password":"xxx123"}
返回CSRF token(与前面user/login里面包含的token一样) - request_new_password: Request a new password, given a user name or e-mail address
- user_pass_reset:
- register: Register a user
- login: Login a user for a new session
- Targeted actions:
- cancel: Cancel a user
- password_reset: No description is available
- resend_welcome_email: No description is available
- CRUD operations:
- HTTP GET:"retrieve" and "index"
- HTTP POST:"create"
- HTTP PUT:"update"
- HTTP DELETE:"delete"
关于CRUD、Actions、Targeted actions、Relationships的详细解释请看:Working with REST Server
测试办法请看:Testing with REST Server
Test Subject
Test Comment测试修改标题
测试修改留言内容 PUT http://my.server.com/drupalgap/comment/1129 Request Header Content-Type: application/json X-CSRF-Token: aWgdFzJs2zFOkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Body { "nid":"641", "subject":"测试修改标题", "comment_body": { "und": [ { "value": "测试修改留言内容" } ] } } ResultTest Subject 测试标题
Test Comment 测试留言内容 post https://jamesqi.com/drupalgap/comment Content-Type: application/json body: { "nid":"641", "subject":"Test Subject 测试标题", "comment_body": { "und": [ { "value": "Test Comment 测试留言内容" } ] } }博主可以看看 drupal的restful模块,好多都统一起来了,