瑞士雖然國土面積不大、人工不多,但卻有四種官方語言:德語:die Schweiz;法語:la Suisse;意大利語:Svizzera;羅曼什語:Svizra。我們這次是做成了中英文雙語的“Switzerland Postal Code (瑞士郵政編碼)”子網站,簡介如下:
There are more than 4,000 postcodes of Switzerland in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place , Postcode, Latitude and Longitude etc. plus with online map.
網站網址: http://che.youbianku.com/
Please check postcode by state: (請按照州來查看郵政編碼:)
- AG: Kanton Aargau (阿爾高州)
- AI: Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden (内阿彭策爾州)
- AR: Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden (外阿彭策爾州)
- BE: Kanton Bern (伯爾尼州)
- BL: Kanton Basel-Landschaft (巴塞爾鄉村州)
- BS: Kanton Basel-Stadt (巴塞爾城市州)
- FR: Canton de Fribourg (弗裡堡州)
- GE: Canton de Genève (日内瓦州)
- GL: Kanton Glarus (格拉魯斯州)
- GR: Kanton Graubünden (格勞邦頓州)
- JU: Canton du Jura (汝拉州)
- LU: Kanton Luzern (盧塞恩州)
- NE: Canton de Neuchatel (納沙泰爾州)
- NW: Kanton Nidwalden (下瓦爾登州)
- OW: Kanton Obwalden (上瓦爾登州)
- SG: Kanton St. Gallen (聖加侖州)
- SH: Kanton Schaffhausen (沙夫豪森州)
- SO: Kanton Solothurn (索洛圖恩州)
- SZ: Kanton Schwyz (施維茨州)
- TG: Kanton Thurgau (圖爾高州)
- TI: Cantone Ticino (提契諾州)
- UR: Kanton Uri (烏裡州)
- VD: Canton de Vaud (沃州)
- VS: Canton du Valais (瓦萊州)
- ZG: Kanton Zug (楚格州)
- ZH: Kanton Zürich (蘇黎世州)