6月底開始申請熊掌号後,重新提交URL、提交MIP版本/AMP版本,帶來大量百度爬蟲,服務器負載明顯增高,另外其它采集者也多起來了,導緻我們網站有一陣子總是卡住,甚至随機出現白屏打不開的情況,這種白屏故障會一直持續,直到用drush cc all清理緩存後恢複。
再仔細排查,當出現白屏故障的時候,我們用service memcached restart重啟memcached服務,網站可以恢複訪問,這就說明是memcache的緩存出現了問題,重點來排查memcache的設置。
## LOCKING ## The file included with this module can be used as a drop-in replacement for the database-mediated locking mechanism provided by Drupal core. To enable, define the following in your settings.php: $conf['lock_inc'] = 'sites/all/modules/memcache/'; Locks are written in the 'semaphore' table, which will map to the 'default' memcache cluster unless you explicitly configure a 'semaphore' cluster. ## STAMPEDE PROTECTION ## Memcache includes stampede protection for rebuilding expired and invalid cache items. To enable stampede protection, define the following in settings.php: $conf['memcache_stampede_protection'] = TRUE; To avoid lock stampedes, it is important that you enable the memcache lock implementation when enabling stampede protection -- enabling stampede protection without enabling the Memcache lock implementation can cause worse performance and can result in dropped locks due to key-length truncation. Memcache stampede protection is primarily designed to benefit the following caching pattern: a miss on a cache_get() for a specific cid is immediately followed by a cache_set() for that cid. Of course, this is not the only caching pattern used in Drupal, so stampede protection can be selectively disabled for optimal performance. For example, a cache miss in Drupal core's module_implements() won't execute a cache_set until drupal_page_footer() calls module_implements_write_cache() which can occur much later in page generation. To avoid long hanging locks, stampede protection should be disabled for these delayed caching patterns.
$conf['lock_inc'] = 'sites/all/modules/memcache/'; $conf['memcache_stampede_protection'] = TRUE;