SELECT * FROM `variable` WHERE `name` LIKE '%captcha%'
captcha_administration_mode i:0; captcha_allow_on_admin_pages i:0; captcha_default_challenge s:12:"captcha/Math"; captcha_add_captcha_description i:1; captcha_description_zh-hans s:102:"此問題用于識别是否為人類訪問者,以屏蔽自動發送垃圾信息的機器人程序。"; captcha_description_en s:103:"This question is for testing whether you ar... captcha_default_validation s:1:"1"; captcha_persistence s:1:"1"; captcha_log_wrong_responses i:1; captcha_placement_map_cache a:4:{s:12:"comment_form";a:3:{s:4:"path";a:0:{}s:3... captcha_wrong_response_counter i:1933; image_captcha_fonts_preview_map_cache a:3:{s:32:"2d0e63850e91ee2c999b22e41eb0b20c";O:8:"... image_captcha_font_size s:2:"30"; image_captcha_character_spacing s:3:"1.2"; image_captcha_background_color s:7:"#ffffff"; image_captcha_foreground_color s:7:"#000000"; image_captcha_foreground_color_randomness s:3:"100"; image_captcha_file_format s:1:"1"; image_captcha_image_allowed_chars s:39:"aAbBCdEeFfGHhijKLMmNPQRrSTtWXYZ23456789"; image_captcha_code_length s:1:"5"; captcha_sid i:17229; captcha_token s:32:"722f3232afc2e6ed81a95c45d9a3217d"; captcha_response s:5:"dfRfA"; image_captcha_fonts a:2:{s:61:"sites/all/modules/captcha/image_captcha... image_captcha_distortion_amplitude s:1:"5";
這些都是與驗證碼、圖形驗證碼模塊相關的變量,可以使用drush vset命令來修改、設置,例如:
# 添加噪點 drush vset image_captcha_dot_noise 1 # 設置默認驗證方式為圖形驗證 drush vset captcha_default_challenge "image_captcha/Image" # 設置默認驗證方式為算術題驗證 drush vset captcha_default_challenge "captcha/Math"
drush vset captcha_description_af 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_ar 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_az 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_bg 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_ca 'Aquesta pregunta és per comprovar que sou un visitant humà i prevenir els enviaments automàtics de correu brossa.' drush vset captcha_description_cs 'Tato otázka je pro ověření, zda jste opravdový návštěvník a ne automatizovaný spamový robot.' drush vset captcha_description_cy 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_da 'Dette spørgsmål tester hvorvidt du er et menneske og forhindrer automatisk indsendelse af spam.' drush vset captcha_description_de 'Diese Frage soll automatisierten Spam verhindern und überprüft, ob Sie ein menschlicher Besucher sind.' drush vset captcha_description_el 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_en 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_eo 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_es 'Esta pregunta se hace para comprobar que es usted una persona real e impedir el envío automatizado de mensajes basura.' drush vset captcha_description_et 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_fa 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_fi 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' 'Tämä kysymys esitetään, jotta lomakkeen automatisoitu käyttö voitaisiin estää.' drush vset captcha_description_fil 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_fr 'Cette question permet de s\'assurer que vous êtes un utilisateur humain et non un logiciel automatisé de pollupostage (spam).' drush vset captcha_description_ga 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_gl 'Esta pregunta é para comprobar que vostede é unha persoa e prever o envío automático de lixo.' drush vset captcha_description_hr 'Navedeno pitanje je test da li ste spam program ili stvarna osoba.' drush vset captcha_description_hu 'A kérdés azt vizsgálja, hogy valós látogató vagy robot szeretné az űrlapot beküldeni.' drush vset captcha_description_hy 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_is 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_it 'Questa domanda serve a verificare che il form non venga inviato da procedure automatizzate' drush vset captcha_description_ja 'この質問はあなたが人間かどうかをテストし、自動化されたスパム投稿を防ぐためのものです。' drush vset captcha_description_ka 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_ko '이 질문은 당신이 정말 사람인지 아니면 기계인지의 여부를 확인하기 위해 자동화된 스팸 제출을 방지하기 위한 테스트를 위한 것입니다.' drush vset captcha_description_lt 'Šis klausimas yra testas, ar jūs esate žmogus, tai skirta apsaugoti svetainę nuo automatinių nepageidaujamų įrašų.' drush vset captcha_description_lv 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_mk 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_ms 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_mt 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_nl 'Deze vraag wordt gebruikt om te controleren of u een menselijke bezoeker bent om zo spam te voorkomen.' drush vset captcha_description_pl 'Poniższe zadanie ma na celu stwierdzenie, czy jesteś człowiekiem, a tym samym przeciwdziałanie spamowi.' drush vset captcha_description_pt 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_ro 'Această întrebare este pentru a testa dacă sunteţi un vizitator uman şi pentru a preveni spam-ul automat la trimiteri.' drush vset captcha_description_ru 'Этот вопрос задается для того, чтобы выяснить, являетесь ли Вы человеком или представляете из себя автоматическую спам-рассылку.' drush vset captcha_description_sk 'Táto otázka je kvôli testu, či ste ľudský návštevník, aby sa predišlo automatickým odoslaniam spamu.' drush vset captcha_description_sl 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_sq 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_sr 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_sv 'Denna fråga är för att testa om du är en människa och används för att hindra automatiska spaminlägg.' drush vset captcha_description_sw 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_th 'This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.' drush vset captcha_description_tr 'Bu soru sizin bir insan olup olmadığınızı denetlemek ve otomatik spam gönderilerini önlemek içindir.' drush vset captcha_description_uk 'Ціль цього запитання - довести, що ви є реальним відвідувачем і запобігти автоматизованим розсилкам спаму.' drush vset captcha_description_vi 'Nhập các mã nhìn thấy dưới đây hoặc trả lời câu hỏi được đưa ra. Việc này để ngăn chặn việc tự động Spam.' drush vset captcha_description_zh-hans '這個問題檢測是否是人為訪問,以防止自動的垃圾提交行為。' drush vset captcha_description_zh-hant '這個問題是要驗證您是不是一個人類訪客,以防止這個網垃被自動化程式貼入大量的垃圾資訊。'
form_id module captcha_type comment_form NULL NULL contact_mail_user NULL default contact_mail_page NULL default user_register NULL default user_pass NULL NULL user_login NULL NULL user_login_block captcha Math forum_node_form image_captcha Image
很明顯是各種表單對應選用什麼驗證方式,有四種:無、默認、圖形、算術,不過這個表内容的增加、修改就比variable表麻煩一點,沒有drush vset這樣的方式,需要運行sql命令,例如:
drush sql-query "UPDATE captcha_points SET module = NULL, captcha_type = 'default' WHERE form_id = 'comment_node_gongshang_form';"
drush sql-query "INSERT INTO captcha_points (form_id, module, captcha_type) VALUES ('comment_node_gongshang_form', NULL, 'default');"
上面我都是用了drush來進行變量設置、數據庫更改的,如果沒有安裝drush,也可以做個php程序來進行,隻要要進行一些初始化、調用drupal API,麻煩一些,也同樣可以實現程序批量設置。
$d vset image_captcha
$d vset image_captcha_distortion_amplitude 3 //Distortion level選為3 $d vset image_captcha_dot_noise 1 //将Add salt and pepper noise選取 $d vset image_captcha_line_noise 1 //Add line noise選取 $d vset image_captcha_noise_level 3 //Add line noise選取以後對Noise level的設置