We have builded companies list websites of various countries for many years, including United Kingdom and Hong Kong, recently we get new companies data from government open data platform.
United Kingdom Basic Company Data
This is from U.K. government open datasets, providing basic company data, including Company Name, Company Number,Reg Address, Company Category, Company Status, Country Of Origin, Dissolution Date, Incorporation Date, Accounts, Returns, Mortgages, SIC Code, SIC Text, Limited Partnerships, URI, Previous Name, Conf Stmt Next Due Date, Conf Stmt Last Made Up Date etc.
It will be updated every month.
For example: Incorporation Date: 2018-03-31.
Hong Kong Newly Incorporated/Registered Companies
This is come from Hong Kong government open data, providing List of Newly Incorporated/Registered Companies and Companies which have changed Names, including Register Number, English Name, Chinese Name, Date of Incorporation, Date of Change Name etc.
It will be updated every week.
For example: Newly Incorporated of 2018-04-15.