Drupal网站中自带的搜索框中,form采取了post方式,然后跳转到search/node/xxx这样的页面,我们在添加AMP和MIP版本的时候post form都遇到跨域提交的报错问题,暂时还没有解决,但可以自定义一个搜索框form,采取get方式,然后也是跳转到search/node/xxx这样的页面,下面把实施步骤记录下来:
在AMP版本对应的主题ampsubtheme_example下新建一个block:search form for amp,放置在所有AMP页面顶部,PHP代码内容如下:
<?php global $language_url; $prefix_url = $language_url->prefix; $path = ($prefix_url == '') ? "" : "/$prefix_url"; global $base_url; $button = t("Search"); $output = "<form action=\"$base_url$path/search_redirect\" method=\"get\" target=\"_top\"> <input type=\"text\" name=\"keyword\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"$button\"> </form> "; print $output; ?>
在MIP版本对应的主题mipsubtheme_example下新建一个block:search form for mip,放置在所有MIP页面顶部,PHP代码内容如下:
<?php global $language_url; $prefix_url = $language_url->prefix; $path = ($prefix_url == '') ? "" : "/$prefix_url"; global $base_url; $button = t("Search"); $output = "<mip-form method=\"get\" url=\"$base_url$path/search_redirect\"> <input type=\"text\" name=\"keyword\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"$button\"> </mip-form> "; print $output; ?>
2017-6-13补充:百度mip表单默认引入了css style "display: block;"导致按钮与输入框不在同一行,可以在上面两个input中加入class=search_form,再在miptheme的mip-custom-styles.css文件中添加.search_form {display: inline-block;}就可以让输入框和按钮在同一行了。
<?php global $language_url; $prefix_url = $language_url->prefix; $path = ($prefix_url == '') ? "" : "/$prefix_url"; global $base_url; $query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $keyword = substr($query_string,strpos($query_string,'keyword=')+strlen('keyword=')); $http_referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if (strpos($http_referer,'?amp') != FALSE || strpos($http_referer,'&') != FALSE) { $amp_mip = '?amp'; } elseif (strpos($http_referer,'?mip') != FALSE || strpos($http_referer,'&mip') != FALSE) { $amp_mip = '?mip'; } else { $amp_mip = ''; } if ($keyword != NULL) { $url = "$base_url$path/search/node/$keyword$amp_mip"; header("location: $url"); } ?>
<?php /** * Preprocess all templates. */ function ampsubtheme_example_preprocess(&$vars, $hook) { $vars['ampsubtheme_path_file'] = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('theme', 'ampsubtheme_example'); } /** * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for HTML document templates. * * Example of a preprocess hook for a subtheme that could be used to change * variables in templates in order to support custom styling of AMP pages. */ function ampsubtheme_example_preprocess_html(&$variables) { } function ampsubtheme_example_page_alter(&$page) { // kpr($page); //use this to find the item you want to remove - you need the devel running. // Remove the search form from the search results page. if (arg(0) == 'search') { if (!empty($page['content']['system_main']['search_form'])) { hide($page['content']['system_main']['search_form']); } } }
<?php /** * Preprocess all templates. */ function mipsubtheme_example_preprocess(&$vars, $hook) { $vars['mipsubtheme_path_file'] = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('theme', 'mipsubtheme_example'); } /** * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for HTML document templates. * * Example of a preprocess hook for a subtheme that could be used to change * variables in templates in order to support custom styling of AMP pages. */ function mipsubtheme_example_preprocess_html(&$variables) { } function mipsubtheme_example_page_alter(&$page) { // kpr($page); //use this to find the item you want to remove - you need the devel running. // Remove the search form from the search results page. if (arg(0) == 'search') { if (!empty($page['content']['system_main']['search_form'])) { hide($page['content']['system_main']['search_form']); } } }
<script async custom-element="amp-form" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-form-0.1.js"></script>
<script src="https://mipcache.bdstatic.com/static/v1/mip-form/mip-form.js"></script>
function drupal_example_com_block_info() { $blocks=array(); $blocks['search_form_for_amp']=array( 'info'=> t('Search').' '.t('Form').' '.t('For').' '.t('AMP'), 'cache'=>DRUPAL_NO_CACHE, 'weight'=>0, 'status'=>1, 'region'=>'header', 'visibility'=>BLOCK_VISIBILITY_NOTLISTED, 'pages'=>'', ); return $blocks; } function drupal_example_com_block_view($delta = '') { $block=array(); switch($delta){ case 'search_form_for_amp': $block['subject'] = ''; if(user_access('access content')){ global $language_url; $prefix_url = $language_url->prefix; $path = ($prefix_url == '') ? "" : "/$prefix_url"; global $base_url; $button = t("Search"); $output = "<form action=\"$base_url$path/search_redirect\" method=\"get\" target=\"_top\"> <input type=\"text\" name=\"keyword\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"$button\"> </form> "; $block['content']=$output; } break; default: } return $block; } function drupal_example_com_menu() { $items= array(); $items['search_redirect'] = array ( 'title'=>'search redirect', 'page callback'=>'search_redirect', 'access arguments'=>array('access content'), ); return $items; } function search_redirect() { global $language_url; $prefix_url = $language_url->prefix; $path = ($prefix_url == '') ? "" : "/$prefix_url"; global $base_url; $query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $keyword = substr($query_string,strpos($query_string,'keyword=')+strlen('keyword=')); $http_referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if (strpos($http_referer,'?amp') != FALSE || strpos($http_referer,'&') != FALSE) { $amp_mip = '?amp'; } elseif (strpos($http_referer,'?mip') != FALSE || strpos($http_referer,'&mip') != FALSE) { $amp_mip = '?mip'; } else { $amp_mip = ''; } if ($keyword != NULL) { $url = "$base_url$path/search/node/$keyword$amp_mip"; header("location: $url"); } }
drush sql-query "UPDATE block SET status='0',region='-1' WHERE module='drupal_example_com' AND delta='search_form_for_amp' AND theme='responsive_bartik';" drush sql-query "UPDATE block SET status='1',region='header',weight='0' WHERE module='drupal_example_com' AND delta='search_form_for_amp' AND theme='ampsubtheme_example';" drush cc all